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#6 Killer Drones

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The 10 Scariest Future Tech Trends Everyone Must Know About Right Now

Think this one’s farfetched? Think again.

Drones that work together in groups — with the help of AI — can already identify, track, and destroy targets.

At China’s Zhejiang University, scientists have developed a drone swarm capable of tracking humans through dense bamboo forests without human guidance.

Halcon, a subsidiary of UAE’s Edge Group, recently unveiled a swarming drone system known as Hunter 2-S that can share information for tracking and engaging with targets.

Drones are seen as a cost-effective way to overwhelm defenses without needing to put soldiers in harm’s way — and the implications of this type of technology are quite scary.

#5 Quantum Computing

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The 10 Scariest Future Tech Trends Everyone Must Know About Right Now

No.5 Quantum computers are innovative machines that will be able to give us computing power that is potentially a trillion times more powerful than the supercomputers we have today.

This can have enormous benefits, but quantum computing will also enable hackers to get around our traditional security systems and break into practically anything. Currently, we use advanced encryption to protect our personal, military, and commercial data — but quantum computers will be able to break right through this encryption.

Corporations and governments are starting to take this threat seriously and are putting resources into “post-quantum encryption” that will protect our most sensitive data.

The 10 Scariest Future Tech Trends Everyone Must Know About Right Now

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#4 The Ability to Print Anything

3D printing technology allows us to create practically any 3D object, but this capability can also be used in harmful ways. As 3D printers become more affordable and ubiquitous, it will be harder to control the printing of weapons, including guns, because anyone can download an algorithm and “print” whatever they want, right in their home.

Regulation and tracking of 3D-printed guns are difficult because there are no serial numbers on these weapons, so they represent a growing threat. In October, British police made a large seizure of 3D-printed firearm components, in a suspected makeshift firearms factory in London.

The fear is that extremists and criminals will get their hands on these unregulated guns as they move into the mainstream.

The 10 Scariest Future Tech Trends Everyone Must Know About Right Now

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#3 Merging of Humans and Machines

In many ways, we’re already seeing a merge of humans and machines. When someone has an accident and loses a limb, we can replace that limb with a prosthetic. We can also improve people’s vision with contact lenses, or even give them “super” vision or night vision using technology.

But what if this technology goes too far? The U.S. military has already created exoskeletons that seemingly give soldiers superpowers. Scientists are also working on interfaces that will potentially give us AI capabilities that fully merge humans with machines. Some companies have announced plans to develop brain-computer interfaces that can read minds.

The concern is that this technology will potentially be abused, creating a Terminator vision of the future.

The 10 Scariest Future Tech Trends Everyone Must Know About Right Now

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 #2 Editable Humans

Thanks to CRISPR-Cas9 technology, we have the ability to change inheritable genes in plants, animals, and our own human bodies. Gene editing has incredible benefits, as it can help us fight disease, fix genetic mutations that cause devastating illnesses, eliminate food allergies, and ensure we have enough food to feed the planet.

For example, scientists are experimenting with a method for fixing a gene mutation that causes Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy – a devastating condition that results in early death. Experiments on CRISPR in mice and dogs show promise and may lead to viable human treatments for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.

On the other hand, there are many concerns about the idea of changing inheritable genes forever. With CRISPR, we have the ability to manipulate genes that will get permanently incorporated into the genome and get passed on from generation to generation.

Many countries, including most of Europe, have banned germline editing because its implications are not yet fully understood — but germline editing is still legal in China and the United States. Look for more public discussion on the implications and ethics of this technology.

The 10 Scariest Future Tech Trends Everyone Must Know About Right Now

By Banking, Career, Cryptocurrency, Cybersecurity, Digitalization, Food for thoughtNo Comments

AI Singularity

In many aspects, artificial intelligence is becoming capable of human-level thinking. “AI singularity” is a hypothetical point in the future where AI becomes smarter than humans, but I would argue that, in some ways, we’ve already reached that tipping point.

We now have extremely powerful AI algorithms that can outperform people on many levels — and this will have an enormous impact on jobs.

Experts predict that 80 to 90% of all the current jobs in the world will be augmented by AI, and many will even become completely obsolete. We must think about how to prepare for this shift and be able to change gears to do the work that only humans are capable of doing.

source: forbes

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